
NSTC Project Application Procedures

NSTC Project Application Procedures

Contact: Shu-Ting Lo, extension 35134, Email: stlo@mx.nthu.edu.tw

* NSTC Project Application Procedures:
No. Procedure

NSTC Project Application Procedures (flow chart)

* Reminders of Project Application:

1. Before submitting the proposals to the NSTC for the first time, applicants please fulfill the following two requirements:
    (1) Please complete 6 hours of academic ethics training within 3 years and upload e-files of academic ethics certificates on the NTHU Academic Information System (「校務資訊系統」). 
           Contact at Research Ethics Committee, R&D: Cheng, Ju-Chun, extension 62395, Email: juchun@mx.nthu.edu.tw
           Reference URL: https://rec.site.nthu.edu.tw/p/406-1233-219796,r3334.php?Lang=zh-tw
NSTC Projects for Newly-Appointed Faculty Members: https://rd.nthu.edu.tw/en/ResearchandDevelopmentatNTHU-plan11.html
Item Description
6 hours of academic ethics training
within 3 years
NSTC Operation Guidelines for NSTC Research Project Grants, Article 26:

Researchers participating in a NSTC project for the first time shall complete no less than 6 hours of academic ethics training within 3 years of their employment and submit their training documentation to the application unit for reference purposes.

Upon project commencement, researchers participating in a NSTC project for the first time shall complete 6 hours of academic ethics training within 3 months of their employment and submit their training documentation to the application unit for reference purposes.

ways to obtain academic ethics credits 1. Online training courses: (please register online and take the courses):
    (1) NTHU Research Integrity & Research Ethics Portal: https://nthurec.sharecourse.net/sharecourse/
           Please register by using your NTHU's email address.
           (By doing so, you will be considered as one of the NTHU and will not be charged.)
           Be sure to filter the "
Academic Ethics" category first and take those courses.
           After passing the test, print and download the certificate.
    (2) Ministry of Education Center for Taiwan Academic Research Ethics Education (AREE) Portal: 
           All certificates of the courses obtained within 3 years can be recognized.

2. Physical courses:
Applicants can take academic ethics physical courses held irregularly on/off campus, and obtain the certificates after completing the courses.

Procedures for uploading the training completion certificates for review:
Please login on the "NTHU Academic Information System- Register your Research Integrity Certification" (「
校務資訊系統-學術倫理課程-時數登錄」) and upload the training completion certificates.

    (2) In order to increase the international visibility of academic research outputs, and enhance the internationalization in NTHU, please register and provide an ORCID number.
          Reference URL:
          Academic ID Providing URL: https://forms.gle/UYPYPkULhcYDKw9R9
          Please also notice Miss Lo, extension 35134, Email: stlo@mx.nthu.edu.tw.

2. Please pay attention to the deadlines in National Tsing Hua University (NTHU).
Applicants are
requested to follow the announcements made by the Office of Research and Development.
    (1) Please reference to the announcements of projects through NTHU Bulletin Board, R&D Website, R&D Newsletter, etc.
    (2) News【Call for Proposals】:
    (3) R&D Newsletter: https://rd.nthu.edu.tw/ResearchandDevelopmentatNTHU-newsletter.html

3. Please refer to https://rd.nthu.edu.tw/ResearchandDevelopmentatNTHU-forms1.html.