
NSTC Projects for Newly-Appointed Faculty Members

NSTC Projects for Newly-Appointed Faculty Members

Contact: Shu-Ting Lo, extension 35134, Email: stlo@mx.nthu.edu.tw

(Chinese version download) (English version download)

Thematic Research Project WWW Online Application Directions (專題研究計畫WWW線上申請作業使用注意事項): 
Reference URL: https://www.nstc.gov.tw/folksonomy/list/6c0b309f-518b-4613-a142-44af89109251?l=ch  (English/Chinese version download)

(The following English version is provided for reference only. In case of any discrepancies in meaning, the Chinese version shall prevail.)
National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)Projects for New employees through the way of “applications be accepted and reviewed as they are submitted” (隨到隨審)

1. Applicants:
     Applicant institutions have hired new employees or existing employees have met the eligibility requirements of the NSTC that have never submitted a proposal to the NSTC. Candidates meeting this requirements may submit their proposal on the date of their employment or after they have completed their doctoral degree within three years.
    Applicants who have been employed for more than three years or have applied for NSTC projects can not submit their proposal through the way of “applications be accepted and reviewed as they are submitted”. However, they can apply during the application period of the end-of-year batch of research projects (年底大批專題研究畫申請時程) or before the deadline of the individual project.

2. Categories: Research projects can be divided into the following two categories:
Categories Description Circumstances for applications be accepted and reviewed as they are submitted Application path/ category
General research projects Those who meet the qualifications of principal investigators may submit their application for a research project in accordance with their field of research specialization or refer to items of NSTC’s discipline development plan.
Under the following circumstances, applications will be accepted and reviewed as they are submitted:
1. Applicant institutions have hired new employees or existing employees have met the eligibility requirements of the NSTC that have never submitted a proposal to the NSTC. Candidates meeting this requirements may submit their proposal on the date of their employment or after they have completed their doctoral degree within three years.
2. Principal investigators that have previously applied for a NSTC project who have taught or engaged in research work abroad for more than a year and have thus returned to domestic employment but have yet to submit a project proposal to the NSTC upon their return. Candidates meeting this requirements may submit their proposal within a year, starting from their date of employment.
【General research projects】
Research projects for junior researchers Teachers and researchers who have taught or engaged in research in domestic/foreign institutions in the past five years or who have been teaching or engaged in research within five years after completing their doctorate degree and who meet the required qualifications for the principal investigator may submit their application for a research project. Priority will be given to applications involved in research projects that span three to five years. Please note that applicants who have taught or held a dedicated researcher position for a combined duration of over five years at the point of their application submission will not qualify as junior researchers. 【Research projects for junior researchers 】
4. Application schedules:
(1) Applicants please access the NSTC
Academic Research Service Portal (學術研發服務網) to edit the e-files of the proposals.
(2) Applicants please contact with the person in charge of project application matters (Miss Lo at Division of Project Management, R&D) to set up the deadline on the NSTC Academic Research Service Portal.
(3) Applicants please upload the completed proposals and relevant application materials, and then submit on the NSTC Academic Research Service Portal before the deadline.
(4) The person in charge of project application matters (Miss Lo at Division of Project Management) shall send the official application letters to the NSTC.

Contact at Division of Project Management, R&D: Shu-Ting Lo, extension 35134, Email: stlo@mx.nthu.edu.tw

Thematic Research Project WWW Online Application Directions (專題研究計畫WWW線上申請作業使用注意事項):
Reference URL: https://www.nstc.gov.tw/folksonomy/list/6c0b309f-518b-4613-a142-44af89109251?l=ch  (English/Chinese version download)

In addition, before submitting the proposals to the NSTC, applicants please fulfill the following two requirements:
(1) Please complete
6 hours of academic ethics education course training and upload e-files of academic ethics certificates on the NTHU Academic Information System (「校務資訊系統」). 
      Contact at Research Ethics Committee, R&D: Cheng, Ju-Chun, extension 62395, Email: juchun@mx.nthu.edu.tw
      Reference URL:
(2) Please register and provide an ORCID number.
      Reference URL:
      Academic ID Providing URL: https://forms.gle/UYPYPkULhcYDKw9R9
      Please also notice Miss Lo, extension 35134, Email: stlo@mx.nthu.edu.tw.

(1) Academic ethics credits
(1-1) Ways to obtain academic ethics credits:
    A. Online training courses: (please register online and take the courses):
     a. NTHU Research Integrity & Research Ethics Portal:
         Reference URL:
         Please register by using your NTHU’s email address (By doing so, you will be considered as one of the NTHU and will not be charged).
         Be sure to filter the "Academic Ethics" category first and take those courses. After passing the test, print and download the certificate.
     b. Ministry of Education Center for Taiwan Academic Research Ethics Education (AREE) Portal:
         Reference URL:
         All certificates of the courses obtained within 3 years can be recognized.
    B. Physical courses:
         Applicants can take
academic ethics physical courses held irregularly on/off campus, and obtain the certificates after completing the courses.

(1-2) Procedures for uploading the training completion certificates for review:
           Please login on the "NTHU Academic Information System- Register your Research Integrity Certification" (「
校務資訊系統-學術倫理課程-時數登錄」) and upload the training completion certificates.

(2) ORCID number
(2-1) In order to increase the international visibility of academic research outputs, and enhance the internationalization in NTHU, please provide your ORCID number.
          Reference URL:

(2-2) Academic ID Providing URL: https://forms.gle/UYPYPkULhcYDKw9R9

5. Contact persons at Division of Project Management:
(1) NSTC Projects for New employees through the way of “applications be accepted and reviewed as they are submitted”:
       Shu-Ting Lo, extension 35134, Email: stlo@mx.nthu.edu.tw
(2) Corresponding to specific “colleges” and “job responsibilities”, specific contact persons are assigned.
       We suggest you to contact the person corresponding to your “college” first.
       Reference URL: https://rd.nthu.edu.tw/en/ResearchandDevelopmentatNTHU-Introduction3.html

6. Other projects information:
(1) Please reference to the announcements of projects through NTHU Bulletin Board, R&D Website, R&D Newsletter, etc.
(2) News【Call for Proposals】:
(3) R&D Newsletter: https://rd.nthu.edu.tw/ResearchandDevelopmentatNTHU-newsletter.html