
Award Application

Award Application

 Last Updated: NOV. 5, 2019

Name of Award Application Time Award Amount and Prizes Contact Person
Outstanding Research Award, National Science and Technology Council Jun.-Aug. of each year. Each Awardee shall receive a certificate of award and a monetary prize of NT$1,500,000. Wei-Chen Su  ext. 35010
Ta-Yu Wu Memorial Award, National Science and Technology Council Selected by the NSTC. Each Awardee shall be rewarded with a monetary prize of NT$600,000. Wei-Chen Su  ext. 35010
The Tsungming Tu Award, National Science and Technology Council Nominations will be accepted from September 1 to September 30 of each year. Each Awardee shall receive a monetary award between US$50,000 and US$100,000, one certificate, and one prize cup The Tsungming Tu Award Application 886-2-2707-2848
Huei-Mei Lan#35542
Outstanding Technology Contribution Award, Executive Yuan Mar.-Apr. of each year. A monetary award of one million NT dollars. Outstanding Technology Contribution AwardApplication 886-2- 2737-7992
Huei-Mei Lan#35542
Guidelines for the Academia Sinica Early-Career Investigator Research Achievement Award Applications will be accepted between August 16 and October 1 of each year. Each Awardee shall receive 300,000 NTD, a research grant of 300,000 NTD and a medal. Academia Sinica Award Application 886-2-2782-2120~9
Huei-Mei Lan#35542
Pan Wen Yuan Award Jul.- Agu. 15th of each year. Each Awardee shall be awarded a plaque. Pan Wen Yuan Award Application 886-3-591-2029
Huei-Mei Lan#35542
The Outstanding Research Award of Pan Wen Yuan Foundation Jan.-Feb. of each year. Each Awardee shall be given a plaque and a monetary prize of NT$500,000. Pan Wen Yuan Award Application 886-3-591-2029
Huei-Mei Lan#35542
The Exploration Research Award of Pan Wen Yuan Foundation Jan.-Feb. of each year. Each Awardee shall be given an upper limit of monetary reward of NT$300,000 Pan Wen Yuan Award Application 886-3-591-2029
Huei-Mei Lan#35542
TECO Award, TECO Technology Foundation Mar.-Jul.15th of each year. Each Awardee shall receive a trophy and a monetary prize of NT$800,000. TECO Technology Award Application 886-2-2542-2338
Huei-Mei Lan#35542
Y. Z. Hsu Scientific  Chair Professor Nov.-Dec. of each year. Each Awardee shall receive a trophy and a monetary prize of NT$1,000,000 Y. Z. Hsu Award Application 886-2-27338000#8411
Huei-Mei Lan#35542
Y. Z. Hsu Scientific  Paper Award Nov.-Dec. of each year. Each Awardee shall be rewarded with a monetary prize of NT$200,000. Y. Z. Hsu Award Application 886-2-27338000#8411
Huei-Mei Lan#35542
Y. Z. Hsu Technology Invention Award Nov.-Dec. of each year. Each Awardee shall receive a trophy and a monetary prize of NT$200,000. Y. Z. Hsu Award Application 886-2-27338000#8411
Huei-Mei Lan#35542